Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Managing IT outsourcing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Managing IT outsourcing - Essay modelThe following is an overview of managing the IT outsourcing relationship, which includes the business process of outsourcing, the tools and resources, understanding the cost and return on investment. Furthermore, there get out be some examples of risk management and data security, as well as a look at the dimensions of relationship management and its importance. trade Process Outsourcing is best explained by Medas Company, an outsourcing management consultant. Their document, A Practical Guide to Business Process Outsourcing (2006) gives straightforward information on the actual process of Managing IT Outsourcing. The following matrix (Medas 2006) shows the services and travel in working(a) IT management outsourcingMedas (2006) states that first, it is important for the motorbus to identify the organisations holds as the scope of activities, the reasons for outsourcing, and how this go out impact or change the business model. This includes understanding the circulating(prenominal) organisational expression, the IT system infrastructure including the team members functional roles and the systems that support them. Medas notes that the current volume of transactions being internally processes must be examined. Once the current functionality and organisations objectives for outsourcing have been established, Medas states that the next step is to choose an outsourcing matethe Outsourcing partners people need to fully understand the organisations needs. ... They need to understand the systems that support the back office processes as well as having experience in managing hard systems environments, running and supporting hardware and developing systems, including web enabling. At this stage, it is also important to consider whether the Outsourcing partner can ensure network connectivity in a secure environment that permits data integration (Medas pp 10 2006).The next step in the process of managing IT outsourcing is to cope with on a commercial framework. This allows the involved parties to agree on the provisions of service, and should compromise Details such as fixed costs, unit pricing and the direct of investment could all be defined in the commercial framework (Medas p 11 2006). Lastly, the IT manager wants to develop a transitional plan that establishes the business process and features. This includes A review of the current systems, processes and organisational structure -identifying which systems are to be transferred (Medas p 11 2006).Definition of services to be provided (Medas p 11 2006). check the definition of service levels in terms of Service Level Measures (SLM) and Service Level Agreements (SLA) (Medas p 11 2006). How employees will be affected by the transition e.g. how many staff and what types of jobs will be transferred, where they will be located, how they will be dealt with in terms of motivation and ongoing training and development (Medas p 11 2006).How the process of sta ff transferral will be managed (TUPE) and what changes, if any, are to be made to the carry organisation - and how this will be communicated to all those involved (Medas p 11 2006).The stages of the transition - and the timeframe involved (Medas p 11 2006).Agree and finalise the contractual terms of the arrangement
Monday, April 29, 2019
Punishment and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Punishment and Society - Essay Example108). According to Wendy (2005, p. 108), these authors vary in their focus on particular elements, there is a general agreement that the nature of punishment changes finished the historical transition from primitive or early tribal law to the development of modern well-grounded systems. Early tribal law is excessively called primitive legal systems is linked to small homogeneous and unvarying societies. This paper will assume a period in mid 19th century (1840s- 1860s) and fancy into how matters of theft, infanticide and rioting would be dealt with as at that time based on evidence from similar cases handled during this period. It is worthwhile to note that the period quoted in this question refers to a time in which the children and adults were treated the same in judgment (Centre on Juvenile and Criminal Justice 2006, p. 6). Case of Jack Martin VS Lord senior pilot composition In this case Jack Martin, a 10 category-old boy is convicted of the theft of two rabbits from Lord Master Mans land.According to law in the 19th century this case would accept counted as Petty theft especially if the value of the rabbits did not make pass a shilling. Also, it might be expected that the value of rabbits would exceed one shilling and in that occasion, this case would be counted as Grand Larceny. Either way, Jack would have a case to answer especially if evidence is sufficient. However, based on the case of Cooper Vs Walker, 1851, another(prenominal) consideration may arise. This case of Cooper Vs Walker relates to a market gardener of Beeston, Robert Cooper, an agricultural mariner bathroom Walker and the theft of some onions. The census statistics of 1851 for Girt-ford near Sandy shows John Walker indeed a boy of 10 years old living with his parents William and Mary. John was the youngest of the four children, Thomas (15) Daniel (13) and Sarah (12). Records shows John to had been laborer at this age opposed to what would have been expected of him being a pupil. In 1861 til now John had been accused of assault but was released after two months of imprisonment. He seems to have been set handsome for a life of crime and indeed between September 1861 and March 1874 he had 14 convictions for minuscule offences (Victorian Crime and Punishment 2006, p. 18) There was noticeable difference however between Robert Cooper and Johns family. The census statistics of 1871 for Beeston, also near Sandy, shows Robert to have been a young man of 27 years living with his 24 year old wife, Elizabeth and their three young children John (4), Charles (3) and Maud, a year old. The Coopers were rich enough to employ a living-in servant Jane Martin. They had wealth generated from their market gardening activities which were plasticized on a piece of 43 acres of land. On 13th September 1873 it is reported that as Cooper was sitting near the hedge bordering one of his field where there were heaps of onions lying in the fiel d, he watched as John Walker who, until the previous sidereal day had worked for him pick onions from these heaps. Walker picked ab discover a peck from every heap and then smoothened out the heap so as to conceal the disturbance. He then used a sack to lam the stolen onions. This
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Premature Rupture of Membrane during Labor Essay
Premature Rupture of Membrane during Labor - Essay ExampleHowever, her pulse is at 80bpm, 37.7oC temperature, and blood pressure at 111/58, and normal respiration at 16. Fetal heart rate is at 140. The patient is under the monitor of IUPC for frequency, intensity, and duration of contractions. The fetus is monitored by the external electronic fetal. Cervical distension is 4cm, station 3, and 70% effaced. Fetus is in cephalic presentation. At 1000 assessment, cervical dilation is let off 4cm, station -3, and 80% effaced, and the patient is in pain and distress, with a pain of eight in a 1 to 10 scale. Pain medication administered and support person taught lower back massage to extenuate back pain. Fetal heart rates are at 138, with 3 to 5 minutes contractions ranging betwixt 30 seconds to one minute long. At 1200, epidural block administered by and by patients complain of pain, and advised non to lie on her back. Nursing Diagnosis and Pathophysiology Managing labor at term with spontaneously ruptured membranes can be confusing. Concerns arise about the appropriate management for pre-labor rupture of membranes and the spontaneous rapture of membranes after the labor begins. The breast feeding diagnosis priority is the query of the premature rapture of membrane through a thorough physical, history examination, as headspring as selected laboratory studies. The primary caregiver should carry out a speculum examination to determine the presence of any cervical dilation or effacement. On suspicion of membranes premature rapture, it is organic to halt digital cervical examinations, as they tend to increase mortality and morbidity. Moreover, the digital cervical examinations resolve to a decrease of about nine days in the latent period (Medina and Hill, 2006). Evidence of pooling quiet in the vagina, or leakage from the cervical on application of fundal pressure or when the patient coughs, service the care provider in determining membranes raptures. Diagnos tic methods such as the use of nitrazine paper and ferning use have sensitivities of about 90%. Nitrazine paper turns blue in the presence of amniotic fluid with a pH above 6.0. However, other contaminations such as presence of semen, blood, and bacterial vaginosis may give same outcomes. The care providers should reserve a swab for determining the presence of ferning, which if positive indicates premature membranes rapture (Medina and Hill, 2006). steering of Pre-labor Membranes Ruptures at Term Previous studies on the management of pre-labor membranes ruptures focus essentially on the comparison of the incidence of infection in immediate induction patients versus the expected management on risk of infection after different durations of rupture. In their examinations, researchers compared outcomes from an induction and expected management with premature rupture of membrane at term. gibe to their reports, there were no differences in infection rate between the two examination gr oups, as well as a higher rate of caesarean section cases in the induced groups. A more than recent research by Hannah and colleagues called TERMPROM take up, a large, randomized multicentre trial, which compared immediate induction to expectant management racetrack up to four days after the diagnosis of premature rupture of membrane at term. Results of the study show that maternal infection occurred at higher rates in women managed expectantly (Marowitz and Hunter, 2004). The rates of caesarian sections and neonatal infections were the same. Care Plan The following is the care plan for
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Strategic Financial Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Strategic Financial Management - Essay ExampleThe operational margin and operating net profit stood at 7.7% and 115.6million respectively compared with 8.3% and 111.3million respectively in the same period work year. The Company has taken on an extra five-year bank facility with Handelsbanken, hoping to increase their overall facilities to 740 million (Yahoo Finance)Without profit, a firm would be unable to attract outside working capital. That is why I identified the profitability ratios as the most efficient and effective way to rate the financial performance of the Wetherspoons Company. The profitability measures enable me to evaluate the companys profits in relation to the level of assets, or owners investment as stipulated in the companys financial statements. I looked into statements dating back from 2010 to 2014.I calculated Return on Capital Employed (RECE) by determining the ratio between the operating capital and the capital employed. This helped me last how well the f irm utilizes the capital employed. In 2014, the Return on Capital Employed (RECE) for the company was 12.94%, as compared to 11.83% in 2013.It means that the company has had a steady increase on its return on capital employed thus showing that the Company keeps on improving its utilization of capital employed.To begin with, I established the Gross profit margin by determining the ratio between gross profit and net sales. The gross profit of the firm in 2014 was 79.4m, compared to 76.9m in 2013, which translates into a 3.1% increase in profit. This maturation in gross profit margin serves as a good indicator that J D Wetherspoon firm is progressing well and promises good returns on investment. The decrease in the net profit margin of J D Wetherspoon can be attributed to external forces such as taxes.I established the assets turnover by determining the ratio between sales revenue and total assets to find out how efficiently J D Wetherspoon
Friday, April 26, 2019
Geoffery Jack vs Wessex City Council Coursework
Geoffery Jack vs Wessex urban center Council - Coursework ExampleAccording to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that the legal ends, in this case, were as follows first, the council argued that under fraction 41(1) of the Highways Act 1980 it was only under a occupation to maintain the highway and this duty did not offer up to, as Mr. Jack alleged, keeping the itinerary free of snow and frost at all times. Second, the issue was to construe the exact mean of the word attention and whether it could contain the duty to keep the snow and glass off the road. Third, the issue was the scope of the duty that had to be attributed to the local authority to maintain the highway. Was it an absolute duty? Was it based on negligence on nuisance? Fourth, whether the council at that point in time when the chance occurred was under a duty to maintain (meaning according to the one decided upon earlier) and did it breach that duty. It is likely that lord Hoffman stuck to the literal rule of interpretation. When construing the meaning of the word maintenance he laid down the possible meanings of this word, alluding to correct whether that included maintenance or not. But he also mentions in run 218 that regardless of what meaning is attributed to the word maintain the material issue in this question is that of whether the council had a duty to ensure that no ice has been present on the road that morning. The purposive rule is seen applied where Lord Hoffman tries to observe the purpose of the parliament (or the draftsman) and looks at the entire historical context to hold that as far as maintenance was concerned, the council was already carrying that out. In rules of language, it could be said that Lord Hoffman made use of the Ejusdem Generis as he quoted incompatible meaning of maintenance in line 44. In determining whether a duty existed or not, the motor lodge clearly applies literal rule in holding that the council did not owe a duty to prepare sure that there was no snow and it held that a duty to maintain only includes maintaining the fabric of the road and not to make sure no snow was ever present on the surface. Lastly, from line 156 to line 190 the court seems to be operating on the presumption that the common law has not changed and no legislation (1959 or 1980) purposed to change the common law, instead of subsequent acts only codified it. There is leaven that Lord Hoffman referred to the long title of the Highway Act 1980 and that constitutes an intrinsic aid in statutory interpretation. different intrinsic aids that he alluded to were the definitional section contained in the act itself.
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Profitable Brand for Hostess Brands Inc Assignment - 6
Profit competent Brand for Hostess Brands Inc - Assignment modellingThe Hostess brand Inc. plunging into bankruptcy is due to the dearly-won business model that they function to operate. The company haves a large network of buildings, trucks employees, Teamsters and the bakers union. After identifying the weakness of the Hostess Brands, Inc. Pepperidge farm Bread friendship would structure the business model and the brand would be profitable to the company. The shortcomings of Hostess participation are due to the expensive business model that it adopted. The model that Pepperidge farm Bread Company has will be able to sustain the brand. Buying the brand will not be a waste of resources but valley to the company. Pepperidge farm Bread Company business model does not allow the company to protest all the assets that in the bread making the industry, but only the crucial part is handled with the company. The company, however, monitors all the minutes that involve the sale of it s products. The company has the right to terminate the contr affect that it might have entered into with a electrical distributor or any business party. The company would not distribute the brand once acquired, but use independent distributors to do the work. This would ensure that even if the workers paralyze the normal distribution, the distribution would still go on as usual. The company has set some guidelines for the awarding of contracts to distributors to protect its interests. The company uses the strategy of the distributor salaried for the bread and earning from his sells. This ensures that the distributors work hard and sell the product. These will ensure that the distributors look for more(prenominal) customers to get more sells and earn more. These similarly reduce the companys losses compared to when it is the companys workers distributing the bread. The company has in addition reduced the cost of operation. The distributors are required to buy their own truck. Th is reduces the maintenance costs of the trucks. The strategy also ensures that only financially able distributors get the contracts to distribute the bread brand. Since the brand is popular within the population. The merchandise would be in mass to satisfy the market. However, the number of bakeries required to hand this will depend on factors as the route that the distributors are able to cover efficiently. The new establishment will only be set up in places that have a high market and the supply is insufficient to march the market. Research is conducted before setting up new bakeries. In the meantime, Pepperidge farm Bread Company will use the bakeries accrued with the brand as it continues to study the market. The Pepperidge farm Bread Company will hold in the sole right to the formulae of making the bread and packaging. The company will also maintain the proprietorship rights but release as the distribution rights of the bread. The routes that the Pepperidge farm Bread Compa ny own will go for bids. These routes will be sold to the highest able birder. The bidder will have to demonstrate that he can handle the route. The selling of the routes will help avoid unnecessary competition in the routes amongst the distributors. The act will also ensure that each distributor works hard in his designated route to achieve more sells.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
For and against reforming the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Article
For and against reforming the Toxic Substances Control answer (TSCA) - Article ExampleThe TSCA provisions do not befool the same to invigorated and breathing chemicals. gibe to TSCA, any in the raw chemical essences are any chemical that is not part of the chemical substance list collected and published under TSCA section 8(b). This list is referred to as the TSCA Inventory.The TSCA act has had a great impact in ensuring protection of the American citizen and the environment. EPA has had successes compiling data on chemical toxicity, commercialise use, and exposure under TSCAs section 4 which allows EPA to do testing and information provisions. However, these results have been express mail because very few test policies and rules have been enacted by the TSCA.Through the new chemicals program set by TSCA has proven to be a successful example of a precautionary review policy. These provisions apply at the pre-manufacture level of manufacturing before the product is let out to the public. This provision sets disciplinary reviews to assess risks associated with new chemicals. This ensures that there is protection against potentially harmful chemicals. Due to its high disciplinary measures, this has scared investors who are venturing into new and advance technology in chemical industry. The prescripts have high legal threshold which is almost impossible to meet.The TSCA program for existing chemicals has ensured that the EPA is able to monitor its inventory and also analyze manufacturing and consumption by the public. On the other hand it has been viewed by many to be a failure. The existing chemicals have pose a challenge on EPA to prove that chemicals already approved will not present risk and that the benefits of regulation overpass the costs. Lack of assurance favors the keeping of these chemicals on the market. EPA limitation on power to regulate existing chemicals provides a hindrance to bringing safer chemicals to market.While chemical manufacture rs invest important
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